Middle class feminism without a compass

It was considered to be badly needed because it did to one group what the same group was previously thought to have subjected others to. Had there been an honest analysis of the arguments, we would have avoided the introverted debate on the SCUM Manifesto’s suitability as high school literature or theatre. With an intellectually honest analysis the high school students would have probably got the idea.

The Turtheatre, which during autumn showed Valerie Solanas’ SCUM Manifesto, has every right to put on this production, and whatever else it pleases on its stage. Those who have other preferences than the ‘Society for Cutting Up Men’ (SCUM) may simply have not visited said theatre. Those who also think that Valerie Solanas is not among the writers and playwrights who should have priority for Swedish high school students in a time of limited cultural- and Swedish education, can instead debate the issue.


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