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Fri invandring - hot eller möjlighet? - föredrag

Del 12 – Thomas Gür

Del 12 av 15. Thomas Gür - Migration involves communties, not just individuals.

Inspelat under seminarium från Engelsbergs herrgård, mars 2013.

Del 12 – Thomas Gür

Fri invandring - hot eller möjlighet? - föredrag

Del 12 av 15. Thomas Gür - Migration involves communties, not just individuals.

Inspelat under seminarium från Engelsbergs herrgård, mars 2013.

Publicerat 27 mar, 2013
Tillgängligt till Tills vidare

Del 15 – Adam Cwejman

Del 15 av 15. Adam Cwejman - Migration as a political dilemma.
27 mar, 2013

Del 14 – Fredrik Segerfeldt

Del 14 av 15. Fredrik Segerfeldt - The power of migration - the need for open borders.
27 mar, 2013

Del 13 – Peter Elmlund

Del 13 av 15. Peter Elmlund - Migration and the city.
27 mar, 2013

Del 11 – Tino Sanandaji

Del 11 av 15. Tino Sanandaji - Immigration and the challenge to the welfare state.
27 mar, 2013

Del 3

Del 3 av 5. Talare: Catherine de Wenden, Mique Angel Essomba - "Building bridges, breaking borders: Two decades of migration processes in Spain", Andras Kovats - "From Transition to Transit - migration and society in contemporary Hungary".
05 mar, 2013

Del 2

Del 2 av 5. Talare: David Goodhart, Ulf Rinne - "A Brief History of German Immigration: From Guest Workers to Integration and the Tug-of-War for Talents", René Cuperus "Beyond Multiculturalism: How ill-managed migration caused populist resentment".
05 mar, 2013

Del 1

Del 1 av 5. Talare: Staffan Ulfstrand - "How humans conquered the world", Thomas Lindkvist - "Migration, ethnicity and the making of Europe in the Middle Ages", Eskil Wadensjö - "International migration - a never ending story". Moderator: Mats Wiklund.
05 mar, 2013